*Type flow
A method of scratching script onto a key board
Elementing lyric and musical tempo into art*
Poetic punching
Can you dig?
A fresh start
Spark the beat
And hear keys clammer
jammer on the key-note,
script walk across my play pound
gracefully sound off on
melodic messages from the ground
life in the fast lane so much better than fiction
for good and bad
is rad
punched poetically into the keypad
typing it up
typing it up
follow my cut
leave nothing to hide
soul source used to rely
one opinion
looking for truth
concerned by abuse toward social youths
question power as power
humble habits of a pauper
that mix made her
that mix wont stop her
To what effect?
Sound effect
Is it real?
I’ve seen it all before?
Evolved his-story
Nothing to a desensed mess
Spiraling out of control into suppose-ed progress
The cost is selective mindset youth
pervade public space
radio waves
its as clear as day
take say (my spray) with the grainest of salts
in stride
you ride
with heart
disconnected from mind
passion is perilous
go ask the hater
Help you, help myself
I made it out of this whole
I waited for 2022 to his tole
I role
Into the holy year
I fear
Nobody I've teared
To many times in doom’s year
The lowest of lows
Depression shows
An evil tempered cold
One life
That wastes time
In the limelight
Preoccupied by the fine sight
Of you
And the way others see you.
WHOOOO R U? [A&W catapillar puffing on a cloud]
not your own person
lost in the shuffle
Delt a hand
Without muscle
No push to pull through the path that you’ve suited
Show flush
Destiny is deep rooted
You Bluff
Ju fucked up
You caught up in chronic puff
To buff you addiction
in excess cripples all walks of life
3 spices of life
but we exceptions to the rule
things need to go wrong before they ever go right.
Things need to come left before we ever go right.
all walks of life
maintain your sanity
to learn all that you aught to be
Understand all walks of life
Respect another position
If its for thee
Fact or fiction
Investigation is the mission
To see all the glories of a
23 coming
throw it up to the sky
hope that heaven decides my survive-val
Of the fittest
i feel you in my bloodstream
22 fallen
I ask for 23 jumpstart
So I can rev my engine
Misfired pistons
Learned to loop in unison
I fin to find
Something giving in this choke hold
Me versus me
In a battle to the death
Life love teaches
Learn to love yourself
a colorful sons to the man
Making sure that father nows best
Eyes and ears to the people
Voice of the people
Eyes and ears to the state
The culture given to the great
Land of opportunity
Show life
What you offer
Proper or poor
A piece of California nationality
with riches galore
Run the streets
Kick and scream
With joy
With judgment
With definition
Will sea
Tides turning in your favor
Ride long
And charge
Your tube
Runs deep
Sucked up
With a splash
Of the many seasons
Of ms. Dash
Newport Newport
Death of Socrates philosophy