I was quick to label us friends for life
Turned my back and felt the pricking of a knife.
You dug it in real deep and slow like
Twisting it clockwise
waiting and want for my scream to arise
You want the credit
You want the glory
Feelings of doubt got your mind lost in purgatory.
It was HU who altered his story
Entranced in a zirconium diamond mine quarry.
Fake sparkle
Greedy Gleam in your eye
you try
you've always been a shady guy.
You’re a guy who relies on more “Stuff”
To get your grubby hands on. . . that plan lost…
you missed the real diamonds in the rough.
Self absorbed
In the prisoners ward
Connected by devils mothers umbilical cord.
Unsheathe thy sword
Ask help from a lord…
Killing a cause is a price
We can’t afford
In my face
The bond that you and I create
Makes malvado
Whether flavor is something that they want to taste.
three part this
One part of that
3 : 1 ratio
Makes chemicals react;
I back pedal to the level of trust vs. the devil
To ration whether the rebel inside
Can rationalize
Patterns of life
Walks of life
Within obstacles that paralyze.
The cunning and conniving CAWP killer.
Disguised in sheep’s clothing
Mind set Eroding
And breaking apart
My passion
My vision
My unique intuition
Piloted to heart to spark
Combustible trigger to react a start.
Possess that energy
Propel like a dart
Accuracy excels into a prejudice heart.
It was my mistake to trust you so quickly
Without assessing and unveiling a soul so sickly.
Tainted by the wants of power and wealth
It was you without help to commit war that was felt.
Cold-blooded callous and corrupt
Flow slow like molasses
Surfaces sold as the catalyst
To make a heart pump
Sound off an empty thump.
The reason
For aching mornings
Waking up feeling as a chump.
How Does it feel to conceal that feeling?
Stale bread broken by guilt that’s building.
Wear your heart out on your sleeve
In front of me;
But behind closed doors
Black windowswebs of lies all weaved;
A picture perfect portrayal of deceit
A scam
The sham
Phony proponent of the land