Pac it up
Rac it up
Send it to LA and cut
cellophane strip
trend split
rare gift
under raps
Cut hard
Sur charge
By freight
Weight in pounds
Punch sounds harder
than my neighbor
a State farm is here.
California Clear.
California Pride
Word Premiere.
RacM reside by
Claro drive
Pull into the nut house
LA county pride nutty
3 boundaries meet
trip counties
connect we
so I can see
a little part of you
a little part of me
California unity.
58 counties
speak proudly
Starting since 03
I believe
the start of liars in DC
forever for all of times…please…
Cease to believe REPUB
from texas
one who got us in this mess
by claiming nuclear weapons.
Who found them?
Where they be?
Where they at?
What was the reason to spark this murderous attack?
My lack of foreign affairs is obvious
no papers to my profile
don't fear this lobbyist.
Oil Craze
Spoiled Phase
Tycoon reckloose
Coiled snake
Worldly region paint
bigger picture being drawn.
Cease to believe REPUB
From New York
Whose rouse coursed
A scene
Trecking up the hill
trying to reach a benchmark
where he can rest his weary bones
at long last. Fuck the rest of them.
Keep on trekking
My weapon in weakness
Speaking to meeker men
Timed and tired living "test a men"
Your bed
Your lie
Position crucial catalyst
Good night
Fare thee well
Bring me men to match intelligence.
Men to match my mountains.
Rac M up rac M up
Rac up the soldiers for what? To Give to the community
To Show a little unity
To show the world who truly be
C. A. W. P.
pride in state
the powers that be
purpose of people
California civility
Power of the people
Eyes and ears of common men.
calling all CAWP